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January 18, 2009

Death Knights and Pallies ALWAYS on top for PVP

Well, it is official. Almost every single #1 arena team contains Death Knights and Pallies. We haven't been able to find a single #1 arena team that wasn't a Pally / Death Knight combo. (Death Knights are the dominant OP class all-around, perhaps because Blizzard wants to boost hours players spend in-game--creating a rat race to level yet another toon.)

arena, classes, Death Knight, OP, Paladin, PVP, talents

Ret. Paladins have long been OP with an incredibly efficient mana usage, unbeatable stun plus DPS for PVP, and an I-WIN bubble. You will often see a Pally in the middle of four enemy players simply taking for ever to die, while muttering" LOL or ROFL.

Unfortunately, this makes the game dull. Yes, it will boost traffic, since many players who were once Shamans, Hunters, Warlocks, and Priests will now have to ditch their under-powered classes and level one of Blizzard's "chosen" classes. But this will also cause players to become fed up with the bull shit and spend less hours trying to get an 1800+ PVP rating.

Shamans, Hunters, Warlocks, and Priests are now non-PVP classes. Of course there are excepts. There are players who can muscle it out and join a PVP team to get a decent spot.....ONLY if those teams contain a Pally, Mage, Druid or Death Knight. Druid s optional or borderline.

This will cause those under-powered classes to cease to exist. For example, look for Elemental or Retro. Shamans or Shadow Priests...yes there are a few, but compared to Paladins(?).

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